Do teenagers need emotional support ?

I was never asked this question during my teenage years but when I think of the subject’s vitality, I shriek with an obvious undertone. Probably because I can still relate to the sarcastic demon in me that was just waking up post my puberty, who would have chosen to answer “Do I look like a freaking robot?”


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However, I was in the second year of my graduation when we were supposed to study about different models of growth pattern ideated by some famous known scholars. Among them, as we found out, Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was the most accepted. Based on a great level of wisdom and factually proved daily life-science, the theory was a pyramid with ingredients like this –

  1. Psychological needs: Food, water, shelter, warmth.
  2. Safety: Security, Stability, Freedom from fear
  3. Belonging & Love: Friends, Family, Spouse, Lover
  4. Self-Esteem: Achievement, Mastery, Recognition, Respect
  5. Self-Actualization: Pursue Inner talent, Creativity Fulfillment.

My motive to bring into light this model serves the purpose of defying those who think success is related to wealth, recognition or career fulfillment. As Maslow beautifully extends the awards of socialism, we can observe how prior to basic needs the immediate requirement of a human psychology is ‘Belonging and Love’. Our minds are victims of a globalized fear of competition which has set self-esteem as the only worthy standard of a decent lifestyle. Little do we care about our spiritual happiness, let alone others’.

Coming back to the point, as much as emotions are an integral part of adults, similarly teenagers require magnificence when it comes to flow of emotional support from their parents. The teenage phase fights all its way through physical, mental and behavioral changes as well as acquaintance with the outer world. To deal with so many factors leads the vulnerable maturity into frequent mood swings which look difficult for parents to communicate. No denying how tough these times could prove for both the child and parents but a wise man once said, “Patience is virtue”. Teenage tantrums could make relationship with parents quite rough but that’s no reason to believe that the child is not attached to the family or doesn’t consider you a part of ‘their’ world anymore.

The world looks all green when you’re a teenager – this is your first with everything, be it emotions/ sex/ friendships/ self-acquaintance. The probability scores high in considering that you will do more mistakes than taking rational decisions. While parents must regulate their children’s activities, however, they should also impart some hands-on knowledge about confidence, self-belief and optimism. The effort to make your child believe that mistakes are important and forgivable, builds around a layer of faith in your relationship with him/her. The process of sensitization is not really difficult when you can convince your child that they’re your part, like a body part – all it needs is acceptance, belief, security, understanding and definitely what answers the question after all , yes, emotional support!

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Shreya Ghosh
Reader by day, Writer by night, (not just another) Journalist, Media Student, Blogger. Have been privileged to work as a freelance writer for the Times Of India and a few more digital magazines.


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