How to ensure gender equality in your workplace

India, since time immemorial has been a patriarchal society where men have been at the forefront of various social, economic, cultural and other major decisions. The women have always been sidelined and restricted to the home and child bearing. Barring a few exceptions, most of the women have been victims to discrimination, abuse, violence and other crimes at the hands of men. Even in the last decade, there has been a huge increase in brutal crimes against women like rapes, dowry deaths and honor killings. In spite of India’s GDP growing by 6%, there has been a decline in female labor force participation from 34% to 27%. Which clearly tells us that India still has a long way to go to achieve complete gender equality. If the woman is given equality in a workplace, she can not only bring in a lot of wisdom and creativity in the business but also be a big force in creating long lasting profits. To achieve equality in terms of type of work, the amount of pay and the opportunities provided, India needs some humungous efforts which will have a long lasting effects and a grassroots level reach. Below are some of the points mentioned which can help bridge the gap between men and women at workplace and help bring more and more women into the workforce.

Stop favoring sons

A culturally ingrained preference to sons thinking them as torch bearers of the family lineage plays a central role in perpetuating gender inequality right from the home. Sons re always the “khandaan ka kuldeepak” while girls are considered as “paraya dhan” as they have to be married off. Also, in majority of households, birth of girl is considered inauspicious as it brings in a huge burden to the parents because they have to pay the dowry in her marriage. This indirectly leads the parents to invest less in a girls’s education, job, health and other relevant causes. Though there has been a steady rise in the number of working women, until the basic partially towards boys is eradicated, equality in workplace cannot be achieved. People from the educated and liberal families need to lead by example and inspire others to educate their girls and let them work. Strict laws about dowry and their full proof implementation can help families to treat the boy and girl equally and encourage the girl to work and become self-sufficient.

Gender Equality


Increase security at workplaces

There have been a steep rise in the number of cases filed by women against their employers for abuse at workplace. Be it mental, physical, sexual or any other. But its good that women are coming out and exposing the influential and powerful men wanting to suppress them. Yet, there has also been an alarming number of cases which do not come out. Women suffer fearing a loss of face in public and also with the fear of family honor. Due to their biological vulnerabilities many women are getting brutally killed, raped and beaten. If we want a safe and equal environment for women to survive and flourish at the work front, the security should be the highest priority at any institute/corporation or office. Only if women feel that they are safe at their offices, they can contribute to the best of their abilities.

Removing the prejudices

Experts have stated that many women lose out on a good opportunity only because of some prejudiced against women. For ex. A pregnant woman cannot take responsibility, a new mother will not be able to maintain her schedule, a woman’s weak heart cannot take tough business decisions and what not. There are many such prejudices about women which don’t have any scientific base and are completely fault. Especially men at the workplace need to accept that women are as much capable as them and no opportunities should be stopped from going to the women only based on their gender. Only results and dedication should be the deciding factor to provide work.

Controlling ego

Some traditional, proud men cannot accept the fact that a woman can do better than them and be a successful employee. This ego drives them to create problems in the woman’s career path and also try as much as possible discourage her from taking new and complex responsibilities. This attitude comes from the traditional, strongly imbibed thought that women should always be subservient to men. But there can be no progress and no harmony if businesses, work and opportunities are driven by ego. We need to teach our boys about gender equality from birth and explain them to control their egos.

Equal pay

It is shocking to understand that worldwide, women employees get 20 to 30 percent less pay as compared to men for the same type of work. This needs to stop immediately and women should be paid not based on their gender but their performance. It is observed that women can get an enhanced level of satisfaction and confidence which comes with financial independence. A woman paid in accordance with her abilities and talents can be an asset to a company which only helps it grow and become successful. It also generates an atmosphere of healthy competition where everyone learns and flourish.

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