How to Choose a Career!


A career can very well be defined as something that you would like to do or have to do, the choice is yours, for the rest of your life. So people can choose it accordingly – whether they would want to love what they do or is it only a way to earn money and hence, it can be anything, even if it bores you to death. Career choice marks the most important decision of your life, the kind of life you will lead will depend majorly on your career choice, the stakes are high and the advices people give are worthless, so let’s see if we can help you with it–

Check out all the options

Even when you can’t do everything, there is no harm in knowing what all options you have. I know this can be confusing at times, but believe me, you don’t want to end up without options at any point. Knowing that you have a couple of options laid right in front of you just means that your future is bright and you can do exactly what you like to do or want to do out of the various options.

Figure out what interests you

This can be tricky, you have to check out everything- what makes you happy, what you like doing, what your hobbies are, and what kind of a person you are. If you are unsure, ask a person who knows you properly. You may want to follow something that you really like in the long run because you will always have the passion to keep doing it and you will never feel that your life is not going anywhere. There are more chances of you excelling in the field that you prefer or like.

Evaluate your skills

If you are unsure of things that you like or would like to do for the rest of your life, then start evaluating your skills. Figure out the things that you are really good at- music, numbers, personal relations, anything! Find out the strongest point of your personality. Close friends and confidants can be of help here, if you are still clueless. Think what you were good at in school and during higher studies or if you have a natural inclination towards something. You could pursue that because it comes to you naturally and natural extinct can take you really far.

Consider your current state

Phases are an essential part of everybody’s life, but you don’t want to get swept away only because you are currently in a particular phase and think that this will continue for the rest of your life. Nobody can guarantee that phases can last that long. Make sure your decision is not being influenced by your current phase because no matter where in life you are, you always grow up.

Calculate the feasibility

After deciding on what you would like to do, now comes the sensible part. Find out if it is feasible at all, keeping in mind your education, your finances and if the future in the given field is stable or not. We often become impulsive while taking decisions, you should never do that while deciding on a career. You don’t want to endure it for the rest of your life. Be absolutely sure that you actually have a future in what you decide to do.

Choose Career Wisely

Making a career choice will be the toughest and probably the biggest decision of your life, make sure you give it what it deserves – your head, heart and soul. Eventually, everything will fall into place!

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Reader, writer, social worker, journalist, closet poet. Loves books, dogs and people . Travel and tattoo enthusiast. Writing came as an epiphany while doing Journalism and Mass Communication from Xavier Institute of Communications. Currently, turning her passion into her profession.


  1. Choosing a career is the most crucial part of any young developing person’s life. It is a span of time where you are required to not only act smart but juggle all your options. First of all, it is necessary for you to spot your interests. Once you are able to figure the field which interests you, explore the possibilities of the career in them. Once you find the best suitable one for you, turn to polishing your skills!

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