How to make a good impression on your teacher

Our years in school and college are an integral part of our life. We form our identities, individualities, and knowledge base here. Educational institutes help us develop and grow into resourceful and creative beings. The credit for these life lessons goes to the people who spend five to six days a week with us in those institutions- our teachers. A teacher can make or break a personality. It is important for an individual to have a good rapport with his/her professor. This will help him/her to gain adequately from this special bond.

Impress your Teacher


Needless to say, an individual would want to make a good impression on his/her teacher, no matter what course is being pursued and wherever it may be taught. While it is acceptable that there is no one way to impress every individual, certain basic traits and ethics are universally appreciated. Here are a few ways to put your best foot forward in class-

  1. Be punctual

This particular trait has not been stressed on enough, especially in our society. Being on time for any occasion saves everyone a ton of trouble and grief. Especially with roads and traffic situation as in India, it is always a smart option to start for class/work before time. If you are in time for a class, it does not disturb the teacher’s concentration, and helps you gain most out of the class. It is a well- mannered and punctual student who always stands out in a crowd.

  1. Make eye contact

Believe it or not, the world from the other side of the teacher’s desk is not as hidden to the teacher as it may seem to you. If you are busy texting on your cellphone, or passing chits around, or simply staring pointedly at the pigeon outside, the teacher will get to know. Your focus and concentration in class will make the teacher feel appreciated and it will fetch you brownie. Do make eye contact in class and focus on the person who has worked hard to impart his/her knowledge to you. It shows you are a sincere and an essentially good student.

  1. Proofread your work

Any submission/assignment shabbily done will not reflect well on your image in the teacher’s mind. It shows that you are not really bothered about the subject and do not take it seriously. Always follow your teacher’s guidelines regarding your assignments, and proofread them thrice, just to be sure. Impeccably done assignments fetch you great grades, and a good impression- Double bonus!

  1. Speak up

Some students are too shy to speak in class. Some feel that their opinion will not matter. Some are just too lazy to make that effort. Here is a tip- be none of those people. Confidence is key in all spheres of life, and you must overcome personal reservations regarding public speaking in order to succeed in life. Staying quiet will not help you in class, and certainly not in that Group Discussion for the admission process at your favourite B- School. An examiner or a teacher always makes note of who speaks up in class. It may be to answer the teacher, or simply to ask something relevant to the lecture, but it is important that you speak. The key is to also not overdo it, so be aware of your gestures and words. This will help you get in the teacher’s good books.

  1. Adopt a healthy attitude

If you are a positive and enthusiastic person, it will reflect on your face and in your body- language. Your vibe will let the teacher know that you are not lost elsewhere, but are in the groove of the situation. It is important to be energetic and vivacious in school/college and enjoy each day to the fullest. Whatever opportunity comes your way, you must grab it and make good use of it. Experience and lessons learnt during these years are once in a lifetime, so do not let them go. If you adopt this attitude, your teacher/professor will be compelled to treat you with the respect and regard you crave.

The ground rule is that you must be good to people if you want them to be good to you- Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Respect and acknowledgement are two- way streets. So make an effort, and see the results come your way. All the best!

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Anshika Kumar
A happy child with a streak of madness. Reader, writer, professional over-thinker , lover of cheesecake. Usually surrounded by books, her hobbies include baking, jumping to conclusions, and quoting the six F.R.I.E.N.D.S. She believes in unconditional kindness and hopes to change the world one article at a time. ~Good words and good vibes only.


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