How to make time for Grandparents and why is it So important ?

For most of us, our grandparents are our sweetest blessing. In the midst of listening to grandma’s folktales or fairy tales and long walks with Grandpa, our childhood becomes a memorable and magical place. They are an integral part of who we are. They teach us about life, of values, and they heal our world. They make us toe the line wherever necessary and also shower us with unlimited love and affection. In this way, they are essential to any child’s life- they become the guiding factor and the discipline- modulation authority.

We grow up with them, but what we often forget is that they too are growing old. They deserve our love and attention in their old age, just as they had taken care of us when we needed them the most. These days, we see many parents and grandparents being deserted in their old age with some of them being ill- treated, while the others are sent off to dreary old- age homes to fend for themselves. The concern here is not related to culture or morality; it is in regards to basic human values. Family is a social institution where (and through which) we thrive; then deserting one’s own family members, who help us survive, becomes a cruel thing to do.



Everyone is busy in today’s world, and understandably so. We have school and college schedules, work pressures, social life stress, and families to tend to. In such times, looking after old people or devoting time to them is cumbersome for most of us. However, making time for grandparents is absolutely crucial. Grandparents are essential to our lives even if we do not realise it at present. Once they are gone, you do not wish to be left with regret or grief at not having spent enough time with the people who loved you unconditionally all your life. Your connection with them needs to remain strong for it will benefit both you and your grandparents. A strong bond with your grandparents will help you tackle tough situations of life, help you learn new and old things about life every day, and also get your daily dose of happiness or magic in an otherwise mundane life. Meanwhile, your grandparents will receive what they need the most- concern from their children and grandchildren. Grandparents are simple folks, all they need is some company and an ear to listen to their stories. A few hours spent with them in a day will not bring down your business or trouble you in any which way, but will definitely make them feel happy and secure.

No matter how much we love our grandparents, our busy lives compel us to put their emotional needs at the back of our minds. One may say that in theory this sounds ideal, but practically it is tough to do so. You may be mistaken. It is NOT all that difficult to give due time to a loved one if you really make it a priority. Here’s how you can live up to the requirement-

  1. Rid yourself of the thought that this may create additional burden or stress for you. If you are mentally prepared to not get stressed about such a minor change in your timetable, you will be able to handle the situation very easily.
  2. Take two minutes and think about a particular hour of the day where you are not involved in any indispensable activity. It may be early morning, or late evening, or any time in between. Instead of wasting time on television, games, texting or Facebooking, you may spend those precious moments providing company to your grandparents.
  3. In case you feel that taking out a separate hour is not possible for you, you may plan your idle activities around their presence. Suppose you wish to read a book, or watch television, you can always sit next to them and finish those jobs/ activities. You need not be talking to them or involving them at every hour. Simply giving them company by sitting next to them will let them know that you wish to be a part of their lives or be in their presence.
  4. If not every day, TALK to them at least every other day. Sit with them when they have their meal or during the evening tea time. Let them in on your life and your schedule. Make them feel involved. For them, you are their life’s priority. They will feel delighted to be involved in your life and be aware of what is happening in your world. They may offer some great advice at times or just make you feel better about any situation. Empathy is the key.
  5. Make them feel important or welcome whenever you can. A bouquet of flowers or  a handmade card on their birthday/ anniversary, making tea for them once in a while, or other small gestures of affection go a long way with grandparents. Do indulge them in these ways whenever you can.
  6. You need not go out of the way or do something grand to make grandparents feel loved. Suppose you live far away from them, buzz them every other day. Make a short call, message them a joke, or write a postcard for them. Do anything that makes them feel in touch with you.

In these tiny but important ways, you can establish a great rapport with your grandparents. The relation between a grandchild and the grandparents is a beautiful one. Do not let the tribulations of adulthood steal the magical innocence of this happy relationship.

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Anshika Kumar
A happy child with a streak of madness. Reader, writer, professional over-thinker , lover of cheesecake. Usually surrounded by books, her hobbies include baking, jumping to conclusions, and quoting the six F.R.I.E.N.D.S. She believes in unconditional kindness and hopes to change the world one article at a time. ~Good words and good vibes only.


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