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Tag: Startup

How to avoid financial stress while working for a start-up

How to avoid financial stress while working for a startup

Working for a start-up is an interesting state of being. On the one hand, the pay is usually quite good. Better than some more regular, conventional jobs. On the...
Corporate vs Startup

Corporate v/s Startup- Which Environment is Right for You?

As the world evolves, culture and trends too evolve. Even in the work culture, new waves are hitting in, like that of startups and independent businesses. We have had the...

A step-by-step guide to launching your startup in India

The past eighteen months after the coming to power of the NDA government have seen a lot of noise being made about the need to encourage start-ups. Conversely, India’s...
Support Startups

India should stand up with startups

The genesis of the NDA government’s ambitious plans to inculcate an entrepreneurial culture in India lies in the speech made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence day speech, where...

What does young India thinks about entrepreneurship?

Stand-up, start-up! Lately when the Indian Prime Minister came up with the above one liner, entire entrepreneurship world took the same handily with great hopes. The government is ready...


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