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An engineer who carries a profound love for writing. A freelancer blogger and a political aficionado, he aims to initiate a political revolution with his write ups. In short, "an engineer by choice, writer by passion and politics by nation"

Young Indians are determined to make India a Superpower

The youth of any country is not just an age group to entitle. The younger generation is not something that is restricted to being the working class, but they are the resource. It is the duty of any government to invest and develop this resource for the betterment of the nation. Particularly talking about India, we have always been the...

Sickularism and its politics are dividing young India?

The Indian political strata has revolved around the secularism and the politics related to it to a greater extent. The religion and the regional differences have always been exploited by the politicians for their own good. To win the rat race to grab the power, the fight of being in the chair has never done a good to India,...

Power of new ‘caste’ of young voters

Indians never cast their votes, they vote their caste This quote hints about the way Indians elect their representatives. Ever since, the statistics have depicted the trends that the elected people from their respective constituency belong to the same caste as that of the majority. This caste divisive politics mars the spirit of integrity of the country as a whole...

How can we prevent eve teasing?

Few stigmas stay with you forever, no matter how much progress you make in life! In this country, the attitude of our men towards the other half of the population has been one such stigma. Before, you all freak out, let me be very clear, yes, there are many guys who make every effort to turn the stones for our...

Why placement drives still witness huge crowd in an age of startups?

One thing that came out of a conversation with my father over the coffee was that yes, the nation has actually progressed over the years. Time drifted away fast and as the corporate culture hit India, the nation took huge turns. That was a day and today is one where our people are living in an era where almost...


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