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An engineer who carries a profound love for writing. A freelancer blogger and a political aficionado, he aims to initiate a political revolution with his write ups. In short, "an engineer by choice, writer by passion and politics by nation"

How social networking has changed the Indian society?

If anything has taken over the planet in the recent past, it is the evolution of the social media and the world of networking. The society has seen tremendous changes as the media took the online form. The Indian society possesses a large number of the youth and with the easier access to the internet this generation is often...

Education has become a profitable business in India

Education Business in India
Education is that medium to create the human out of a man. It is considered to be an element that empowers the human race to sustain the life. The education sector has evolved over the years. From traditional Gurukuls to present day classes in modern architecture buildings, the change is quite evident. One thing that pricks the conscience of any...

How student politics at college impact your life in a long run?

‘No knowledge without college’ is a phrase that has been heard and said over the years by the generations. If we try to analyse the idea behind the saying, the picture will be clear. The college is not just a platform to learn from the books and pass the exam, but numerous life lessons are also taught to any...

How well do Indian politicians understand the youth?

No matter if we hate or love the politics, it has an impact on our day to day life. From independence to the present day, the politicians had a say in shaping the present and the future of the youth of this country, yet no big feet attained! In this situation, the question arises, how well do Indian politicians understand...

Is Social Media Making Children Lose Interest in Academics?

The recent times have seen social media as a strong medium of expression and speech. The ‘viral’ fever has assured the spread of the information across the borders in no time. A wide outreach of the internet and easy usage has further added to the benefits of this eminent platform. However, the easy access of social media and the internet...


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