Home Authors Posts by Janhavi Ukhalkar

Janhavi Ukhalkar

Janhavi Ukhalkar

7 things women should do for celebrating women’s day

When young girls today say that they want to be like Priyanka Chopra, the parents feel happy about it. We have left the days far away when idolizing film stars was looked down upon. Priyanka Chopra is a best example of a confident ambitious Indian who has made the country proud with her exceptional success in Bollywood and Hollywood....

How to Stand Out From the Competition

How to Stand Out From the Competition
A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled competition and pressure exceptionally well. Competition today is this inevitable, in your face fact of life which is here to stay. And if one has to succeed and achieve something, no doubt he has to be at the top of it all. Earlier, students and young people were advised to...

Are private tuitions the bane of Indian education system ?

Are private tuitions the bane of Indian education?
The first time I told my parents that I needed a private tuition for maths, it gave them a miniscule shock. It was the mid-nineties and students who took private tuitions were considered dumb, unintelligent and dull who couldn’t study on their own. But it was also a time when things had started to change. There was a section...

Why you should not discuss marital issues with friends

marital status
When two people are obliged to live together for their entire lives, the one thing that is absolutely inevitable to surface are the differences between them. The family background and tradition, the style of upbringing, values and personalities creates difference of opinion on various matters within the marital front. This results in arguments, fights, ego clashes plus a whole...

6 Things Every Boy Must Learn About ‘Respecting Women’

Much has been already said and written about women empowerment and feminism. Since the arena of social media has been opened up, numerous women are getting expressive and extremely vocal about what they think, aspire and also expect from men. Its admirable to see the force with which women are coming forward, fighting and getting themselves noticed. But if...


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