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Kavita Panyam

Kavita Panyam
Kavita Panyam is a Counseling Psychologist by profession and a Freelance Writer by passion. She has won competitions for writing and her work has been published in national and international magazines and portals.

Who Leads a Better Life? Working women or Housewives?

working women
In the olden days, women hardly went out of their houses to work. The modern age has made it a necessity for the lady of the house to be an equal bread winner of the family. In other words, she is compelled to share the responsibility of bringing home income to live a comfortable life. The rising costs have...

Intelligence quotient (IQ) Vs Emotional Quotient (EQ) : Which one is required to succeed in life?

So much has been written and discussed on Intelligence quotient and Emotional quotient and yet there exists some confusion regarding which trait is needed to succeed in life. While it is a fact that we need both to function at our optimum best, it cannot be ignored that both are entirely different traits. Let us take a look at...

Important Tips for the Modern Working Woman to keep her child Safe At Home

Children are a source of joy to their parents. But for the modern working women, leaving their child behind and going to work, can be quite stressful. Given the present day conditions, abduction, molestation, abuse and exploitation are mushrooming everywhere. It is natural for working moms to feel fear and anxiety in trying to protect their children, while they...

Should Your Child Have a Social media Account

Communication has been an integral part of networking, be it making new friends, finding your dream job, a prospective suitor and more. What is not surprising in this age and day is young children taking to social media as if it were the most natural thing to do. Having working parents has made it only worse. With none to...

How youth can bring change in India ?

youth india
Youth empowerment is about young people achieving their potential using their complete abilities and talents. When this happens young people gain the ability and authority they need to visualize, plan, implement, critique and re-organize life around them. Image source The ways in which youth are changing the world: Teaching adults and younger people about the power of youth, their capacity and...


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