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Pritesh is a writer, reader, photographer stricken with wanderlust, Football aficionado, Demon-slayer, Monster-hunter, entrepreneur supreme. He creates worlds with words and he is currently working on three novels and a collection of short stories. When he isn't writing, he can be seen inhaling copious amounts of coffee and arguing with the many voices in his head.

Why should you choose UK for higher education?

Higher Education in UK
The United Kingdom had been the most favoured destination for Indian students until 2012, when they decided to shut down their post study work visa program which helped many Indians get jobs on completing their education and get decent return on investment. Since its closure, the UK has lost some of its lustre as a destination for studying abroad,...

Why should you choose USA for higher education?

Higher Education in USA
The United States of America, Land of the Free, Champion of Freedom, a place where dreams are said to come true, and where the smallest of people can rise to the greatest of heights with a bit of luck sprinkled with a dose of talent and a lot of hard work. Everyone and their grandfather has thought of going...

Myths About Studying Overseas

So you’ve cracked your GRE, are done with your TOEFL, have finally finished the evil GMAT, have completed your IELTS. You’ve even applied to your university of choice and after many emails and faux-prayers, you have gotten admission in your dream course and college, and are all set to move to abroad to your favoured destination. Now all you...

What Are The Effects of the Brexit?

Brexit India
Just this week, Britain exited the European Union - and no, I'm not talking about their exit from the European Championships at the hands of minnows, Iceland (though that would have been a pleasanter topic to talk about. Sadly the world isn't moving in a pleasant direction right now). Image source So, what raminifications will this horribly named 'Brexit' have on...

How does studying abroad make you smarter?

How does studying abroad make you smarter?
There are many reasons why people move abroad – for some, it is the draw of a new world, a new culture, and a way to leave their old life behind and begin a new one. For others, it is a purely pragmatic decision fuelled by the desire to study and then work in an international environment, to earn...


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