Home Authors Posts by Pritesh


Pritesh is a writer, reader, photographer stricken with wanderlust, Football aficionado, Demon-slayer, Monster-hunter, entrepreneur supreme. He creates worlds with words and he is currently working on three novels and a collection of short stories. When he isn't writing, he can be seen inhaling copious amounts of coffee and arguing with the many voices in his head.

Preparing for the Graduate Records Examination (GRE )

The Graduate Records Examination commonly known as the GRE is an entrance exam required before you can apply to most colleges in the United States of America – and some other places – for a Masters Degree. It tests your English language skills, your mathematical analysis and logical reasoning skills in quant. A part of the test also asks...

Importance of Reading the Newspaper Daily

“A newspaper is not just for reporting the news as it is, but to make people mad enough to do something about it.” ― Mark Twain. In the digital age when news travels from one corner of the world faster than the speed of light, most would say that the newspaper has become obsolete. And yet, though the digital revolution...

5 Ways Reading a Book Can Improve Your Life

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” ― George R.R. Martin. Truer words have been never said. What greater reader could one need to read a book? In the mundanity of every day existence where people are shuffling from task to task without a thought to the reason for living...

Is an International Masters in Creative Writing needed to become a writer/author?

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway This single sentence encapsulates a lot of what it means to be a writer. It states the simplicity of writing, wherein you merely sit and write, to the intense complexity of the task, wherein you must let your thoughts, your emotions, your...

The Difference between PTE, TOEFL, and IELTS – Which English test is the best one for you?

One of the travails of being an Indian student planning to pursue education in a foreign country is that due to our roots as non-native speakers of the English language, we often have to give expensive English language tests to demonstrate our proficiency over the language and our ability to understand all that the course will include. It may seem...


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