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A Science Researcher by profession and an amateur writer by interest, who believes that writing is a strong medium to reach and connect with readers. The more I write, the more I know about myself, and the more I believe in myself.

Rape Cases are Increasing In India : What messages are we are forced to take from them? (An ironic take).

The growing rape culture is devastating. Every time a mishap happens, we have shaken the core. We are compelled to question the politics behind it, the safety of our women, and largely about the disturbing psyche developing in men of our democratic nation. Well democracy bestows freedom, but not of this sort! There have been a series of cases...

How Indian parents can deal with teenage love and relationships?

Teenage is a phenomenal phase of one’s life. Here the actual teenager is excited about joining the club, whereas the parents are distressed. With ‘teen’ age comes an added responsibility where the teen hormones are on a roll! These hormones affect internally and phenotypically as well. Internally means the moods, emotions, instincts and whims. Phenotypically too, there are major...

Pre-school teachers deserve more respect and appreciation in terms of ‘salary’

Preschool teachers
We all owe our successes and achievements in our careers to our teachers. Teachers from our schools, colleges and/or Universities are always given the credit whereas our pre-school teachers are conveniently neglected. The society has always agreed in unison that teachers shape the child's personality and pave the foundation of a child's future. But emphasis on pre-school teacher's contribution...

What is the right age to send the child to school?

Kids Holidays
The thought of sending your child to nursery or play group or school can make the parents very anxious. The question of the right age to send the child to school can be churned repeatedly and is quite debatable. Many parents succumb to the peer pressure to commence early schooling, which is not advisable. The basic problem with Indian...

What is it that the youth of India is doing wrong?

youth india
Youth is about the only thing worth having, and that is about the only thing youth has. Edgar Watson Howe India is recognized as a ‘nation of young people’. The young Indians are under the age of 25, and these are seen on the busy streets of a city and also in the villages. India most likely will be the world’s...


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