
The best blog for the Indian Books, writers , Authors and stories! Check out some more information on the book as well as some of your favorite literary heroes in India!

Mumbai is not a city that prides itself on its intellectualism. Unlike Kolkata, Chennai or even Delhi, the financial capital revels in its business-like attitude to culture – nothing matters unless it is making money. Perhaps that’s why the...
Ask the greatest polymaths and geniuses of our time about their mantras for success and you will get one resounding answer – constant learning. And learning isn’t what happens in schools or colleges where students with heterogeneous qualities are...
India has always looked to the United States of America as an ideal, striving to become more like that country in many ways. In fact, in many ways, we could not have chosen a worse ideal, given that the...
“Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.” ― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Stephen King gives good advice when it comes to editing. As most writers say, the...
Amitav Ghosh is not for everyone. He is one amongst the very notably present Indian writers who write in English. Most of the journey through his work is an attribution to time and space and ‘The Hungry Tide’ is...


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