
If you’re looking for job search and career advice, make sure you visit Our career section quite frequently. career advice, Interview tips, Smart work tricks and everything you need to find a job or to help you be successful in your career.

“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in Life”, they say. Now that’s pure bull shit; a job’s always a job with its usual downsides like the deadlines, routine, etc. However, it definitely helps to make...
A lot of you might ignore the importance of a job interview thank you letter but it is a really important step if you wish to ensure that you get the job. Sending a thank you note is both...
One thing that can decide if you will like your job or not is your equation with your boss. Your boss can either make or break your professional life. Many people also believe that it is more important to...
One of the dreams of any youngster is to grab a job as soon as you are out of the college. After graduation, to retain the commercial viability of the education one has been studying for the sake of...
“Do you have it in you?” asks the billboard. In a billion-strong nation, do you have what it takes to wear the olive greens and lead its soldiers? Are you a leader? Do you have necessary skills to manage...


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