
A prime resource of any country is the power of its people and primarily the youth of the country. The human-capital is actually the working class which builds the nation and settle the plans to promote the country. The current...
It is no secret that there is a huge gap between the government and the youth. They both try to understand each other but fail, they are like next door neighbors, they have a love hate relationship. The government,...
With a no doubt, the internet can be claimed to be the invention of the millennium. An idea which connected you with the world in just a click must be credited for bringing the world closer. With new approaches...
Depending on which statistic you believe, between 22% and 30% of Indians live in poverty. Whether you consider the lower limit or the upper one, given India’s population, it translates to well over 250 million people living below the...
Recent developments in our country have brought out in sharp, sometimes tragic relief, the sad plight of the small farmer. Beset by loans, buffeted by the vagaries of weather and sometimes unable to cope of with impact of climate...


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