
Part of the Prime Minister’s vision for the India of tomorrow…is “digital literacy” for all who live in India, no matter how remote their corners. Thus, in order to see his vision turn to fruition, on 8th Feb, 2017,...
Well, the pessimists say - ‘No matter how bad things get, they can always get worse’. Although, since we believe in duality and the law of opposites…the same quote can be reversed and will therefore become, ‘No matter how...
Disability is a word that is taken and poured out of the context in India. A person with physical challenges is often termed as disable, someone who is unable to do certain activities like others. Understandably yes, a person...
On 8th November 2016, a revolutionary step was undertaken by one of the most intrepid leaders India has ever had - the demonetization of the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes. Met with both applause and contempt, Narendra...
As the euphoria of another Independence Day passes with the flags of patriotism flying high over our heads and in our hearts, we feel thankful that the reigns of democracy are in the able hands of the Government we...


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