Unsung Heroes


Meet Padmavathy Bandopadhyay, the first woman in the history of Indian Air Force to be promoted to the rank of Air Marshal. Not only this, she is also the second woman ever to gain a three star rank in...
A mother can never be defeated. A woman can never be defeated. But she needs to keep her heart strong and learn to forgive. - Sindhutai Sapkal Sindhutai Sapkal or ‘Mai’, is a social worker in Maharasthra, India. She is a...
Our nation is progressing with great speed and panache. We are becoming more open- minded in our approach towards society and culture, and it shows. Majority of India has a patriarchal setup, wherein the males hold greater power and...
When Deepika Misra passed out as a commissioned officer in December 2006 from Air Force Academy, her eyes were fixed on the aerobatics displays by the Surya Kirans and Sarang: the fixed- wing and rotary- wing aerobatic display teams...
“If you could see the storm within me, you wouldn’t believe the peace on my face.” Most women dream of their Prince Charming, who would come and rescue them. This was not the case for Captain Shalini, a brave young...


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