
Browse through politics Blogs, News, Articles, Views and Opinions of Indian Youth. Find latest news and articles on politics and Politicians by the Young India.

We humans are a strange species! Amongst the many things that set us apart from each other, there is, however, one common commonality that connects every human being on the planet. You see, we love labels! Whether these labels...
If there were two men, who would be called the face of  Current Affairs and/or World News…then it would have to be: the President-elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump and the Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra...
To be completely honest, the real question should be whether it’s true that secularists hate nationalism?!? And the logical answer is that it’s not real secularists who hate nationalism as nationalism is nothing but loyalty and devotion to one’s...
India possesses the biggest democracy in the world and the most powerful weapon the Indian people have; is their power to Vote. Election in India is the righteous time to make the best use of this power because this...
Well…let’s admit it…there are liberals and then there are liberals! While the word usually denotes a single meaning - that is, “a person who is willing to respect and/or accept opinions/thoughts/actions/behaviours different — and even contrary from one’s own”....


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