
Abusive relationships can harm a person in ways more than one. They not only affect a person physically but mentally too. One can say that the physical signs of abuse are just the tip of the iceberg. Hence, in...
Relationship is a very strong word. It means a commitment binding two people in a single bond, uniting them together as one. It’s of course love I am talking about. But to understand this in minute details, know what...
Dating apps have become a rage worldwide and they are catching up just as fast in India. Since the advent of the internet, people have connected, built friendships, started relationships, got married and raised families with people they have...
You come across thousands of people in your lifetime and stepping up on the thread that distinct one from being a stranger to an acquaintance, a beautiful bonding called friendship somehow seeds in. Believing in the strength of your...
Is social media ruining our relationship? I am sure many would say ‘yes’ to this. While social media is a boon for those in a long –distance relationship, it isn’t getting brownie points from the rest. Ironically social media started...


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