Social Media

The wedding business has taken India by the storm and so have the matchmaking portals. Bringing convenience of every sort to your doorstep, the internet has taken the job of your personal assistant to a whole new level. From...
If anything has taken over the planet in the recent past, it is the evolution of the social media and the world of networking. The society has seen tremendous changes as the media took the online form. The Indian...
The recent times have seen social media as a strong medium of expression and speech. The ‘viral’ fever has assured the spread of the information across the borders in no time. A wide outreach of the internet and easy...
We are firmly in the grasp of the technological revolution, and ideas which would have been thought of as fantasy merely a few decades ago are now reality, and more is happening in the world of innovation and tech...
Well, you could blame the cell phones or Facebook, you could call it exposure or awareness. A blog has become mightier than a sword and the internet has become the pug which follows you all around. It can be...


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