
Hi everyone! We’re back with another piece on our ongoing series on start-ups and entrepreneurship. Last week we wrote about coming up with workable ideas and the drawbacks that one initially faces when starting up your own firm or...
The academic career of students in India tends to be geared towards acquiring steady jobs. Engineering, accountancy, economics, even basic sciences are not exempt from the attraction of job-oriented learning. This is not a phenomenon unique to India; it...
The genesis of the NDA government’s ambitious plans to inculcate an entrepreneurial culture in India lies in the speech made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence day speech, where he said: "We want a startup network to be established in...
An emphasis on start-ups and entrepreneurship has been among the stated priorities of the NDA government. Indeed, one of the Prime Minister’s most memorably pre-demonetisation speeches was his declaration from the ramparts of the Red Fort that India must...
Experts at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) claim that India will overtake United States as the world's second-largest economy by 2050. Currently India is the 6th largest economy in terms of GDP after it surpassed its colonial masters United Kingdom. This tremendous feat...


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