
Ah, alcoholism. The greatest escape from the travails of reality for the modern youth. The poison which takes them through the week – only to go on another bender on the weekend – to forget problems of the past...
A mother’s love is like no other. Her aura itself is enough to give you your share of warm fuzz. A mother’s role in her child’s life is irreplaceable and inexplicable. In good times and bad, she has a...
Your school is another world altogether. It is the most unique space where you will encounter all kinds of people, and hope to gain enough experience on how to tackle them. No matter which school you are in, you...
Most often it is seen that parents are told what they must or must not do while bringing up their kids. And, in that pressurizing children for perfect grades is one of them. In this world of cut throat...
Being a teenager is a tedious job and for girls, it’s worse! Though both boys and girls go through the trauma of adolescence, teenage girls tend to usually be more insecure about themselves. Here are 7 things teenage girls...


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