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Tag: Indian Youth

Role of Youth in promoting Communal harmony in India

When my son was about six his classmate asked him about his religion. My son could not answer him as that was the first time someone had asked him...
Youth for India

India is in a dire need of services from the Youth

The younger generation is the generation that can be completely responsible for building a credible and superior India. If there is any right time that can be thought about...

How Can We Improve Education system in India For A Better Future ?

The idea education is unfortunately linked with commerce in our India as though it is synonymous. ‘Education Business’ is a common phrase used across our country whether it is...
Good touch and Bad touch

Youth of India: The flickering but robust hope

It’s rightly said that when “If Corruption takes the way to the roots, then the good seeds of youth should better be preserved”. Fair play soon will be the notions of...


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