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Priyanka is currently teaching English in France. A major in English and French Literature by way of education, an ardent theatre artist, and an amateur poet, in her free time she writes letters, dances salsa, or plays violin.

5 career options to choose if you know French Language

Learning French or planning to learn? Well here are some career paths you could chose depending upon your expertise of the language. GET LOST IN TRANSLATION If you are good at English, become equally good at French and kick-start a superb career option for yourself. When we talk about a job in translation, we often do not realize that the scope...

Why is menstruation still considered a taboo in India

Living in 21st century hasn’t withered away the primitive myths pertaining to menstruation.  Reports suggest that about 75% of Indian women are still hesitant in buying sanitary pads and they feel more comfortable if they are packed in black plastic bags or wrapped in newspapers. In certain villages of north India, a married woman is not allowed to sit...

Three Things Government Needs to Focus on to make a Better india

We talk a lot about what India’s doing, the next global conference, a great international deal cracked, etc. We, at the moment, are focusing on the future – how we wish to see India ten years down the line, and in that desire to see the future, we have completely neglected the need of the hour. The present India...

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Menstrual Hygiene

Is it that time of the month again? Or is it the first time you’re facing your period? First of all, be happy, you’re stepping into womanhood. And for those who are experiencing it for the first time, it’ll soon become your way of life. Here are 5 basic menstrual hygiene tips that will help you stay calm and clean...

5 Reasons Why schools want all students to look the same ?

School Uniform
Normal school uniform on all days, and a white dress on Saturdays or during house/school club meets. Shirt, pants/skirts, tie, socks, belt and school shoes are a part of a complete school uniform. Remember the times when you missed one of these and you were either fined or got punishment for not being properly dressed for the school? We’ve...


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