If You Can’t Have the Job You Love, Love the Job You Have


In a world full of diverse choices and many, many opportunities – at least in a metropolis – it isn’t difficult to get a job. But getting a job of your choice, a job which you love, that’s a whole another thing. For survival, for money, many people end up choosing whichever job comes their way, one which pays the most, even if it makes them unhappy and makes them lead a miserable, angsty life. In such a case, what can they do beyond ploughing through every day, waiting for the weekend?

Love your Job

Well, how about trying to love the job you have?

Sounds crazy, right? But give it a shot. Human beings are adaptable, and habit leads to acceptance. Further, once you get used to it, you can start making progress on your career. If you are happy, it will lead to better performances, which will in turn lead to promotion and progress in the organization. As long as you stay focussed and work on something, your mind will be diverted. You will be too busy to be sad or disappointed. In the long run, you can always keep on trying to change your job, keep applying to other places, to jobs of your choice.

In fact, you could also work on your passion side by side. You don’t need to be stuck in a rut. Try your best to get cracking on other ventures. Along with that, try to develop a liking for whatever job you are doing. Respect it and respect yourself. Work at it, think of productive avenues for success, for doing better, and you will be surprised at how soon the day ends, at how productive it is, as you use the time towards creative ends. Wallowing in misery and self-pity will only lead to further sadness and depression. Instead, try to break out of that pit and start on making tangible progress. See the silver lining, try to find the bright spot in the day. It may not always be easy, but at least you will be happier than you were.

Mind you, we aren’t advocating mediocrity, nor are we advocating that you should stay in a job you hate or absolutely detest. No. If you feel that your job or your organization has no saving grace, then you can always leave it and move for better pastures. After all, being unhappy is only going to make you bitter and lead to further despair. No, we are only saying you should try to love the job you have so that you feel better about yourself, about your work, and start making headway into a progressive career. This doesn’t mean you have to stay in a job which is going nowhere, or in a situation which gives you more pain than happiness. In the end, you are working not only for money and a better quality of life, but for growth, success, and most importantly, happiness.

So, face each day with a smile on your face and give your best at whatever you do.

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Pritesh is a writer, reader, photographer stricken with wanderlust, Football aficionado, Demon-slayer, Monster-hunter, entrepreneur supreme. He creates worlds with words and he is currently working on three novels and a collection of short stories. When he isn't writing, he can be seen inhaling copious amounts of coffee and arguing with the many voices in his head.


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