Career Options for College Dropouts


Failing and dropping out of college in today’s environment sounds like something out of a horror story. But it is not the be-all and end-all of your life, if that’s what you are thinking. Of course, it would be better to continue college, to finish your degree with flying colours, and then continue on into a career of your choice, beginning your professional goals in the best possible way. But sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, that is not possible, and you may end up dropping out of school or college. Life, after all, has a weird way of happening, without taking your situation into account. In that case, the first and foremost thing that you have to do is: Do not give up. Do not, in any way, give up and give in to despair. You need to be obdurate and fight for your future, for your success.

College Dropout Students

Then, you need to focus. If you aren’t going for one of the technical skills such as Law, Medicine, Technology, or Accountancy, you could always try and get and internship or apprenticeship somewhere and develop the skills you need to learn the trades of your profession.

In fact, you could even learn the basic skills of technology and programming at an internship, and the same goes for a career in the commerce fields. Once you are well versed in it, you need to make sure that you become an integral part of your organization. Make your bosses become dependent on you. Thus, once your period of internship if over, there will be a very good chance that your work and contribution will be recognized and you could end up getting a full-time job there.

Secondly, you need to be perseverant. You could see some of your friends and peers beginning their careers before you and feel disheartened. But in this case, you must remember that life is not a race. Everyone progresses through it at a different pace, and everyone’s paths are different. Do not compare yourself to others. Focus on your goal, on the choices you have, and take the best one which will provide you with a good start on your career.

Further, off-beat careers such as travel leaders, tour managers in travel agencies, carpentering, blacksmithing, and the like do not require a professional degree as such. You could learn the nuances of the trade while interning or apprenticing and get started on building your future. In the end, it is your work experience which will have more value than a degree on a piece of paper – though the degree does make your struggle easier, so don’t take these words as a way to give up on your education. Learning never ends.

There are people who work as blue collar labourers in jobs requiring physical hard-work, there are others who take up low paying positions in organizations and begin building their way to the top. There are a plethora of options, and as long as you are willing to fight for yourself, you will surely rise high and succeed.

But remember, if you have a chance to finish that degree, take it with both hands. Your difficulties will be reduced by a huge margin. And if you get a chance to study while working even after dropping out, say through a correspondence (distance education) course, take it. You are never too old to learn.

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Pritesh is a writer, reader, photographer stricken with wanderlust, Football aficionado, Demon-slayer, Monster-hunter, entrepreneur supreme. He creates worlds with words and he is currently working on three novels and a collection of short stories. When he isn't writing, he can be seen inhaling copious amounts of coffee and arguing with the many voices in his head.


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