
Nowadays, there are a multitude of options to choose from, in regards to educational universities and colleges. With cut- throat competition and a host of bright opportunities, students are often in a quandary before applying for admissions; there are...
Education is a process of enlightenment of an individual; enlightenment of not just the mind but also of the body. A very broad term, education can hardly be bracketed as merely the academic pursuits that one chases after during...
Assignments. The most dreaded part of our college lives. There are always too many to handle, too long to complete and we're way too clueless about them, most of the time. While we manage to get through exams by...
Student life is bliss and once high school gets over, life can be overwhelming. Students wait for years to live a life of independence  with a drive to make it big – that’s college life for you. With all...
Normal school uniform on all days, and a white dress on Saturdays or during house/school club meets. Shirt, pants/skirts, tie, socks, belt and school shoes are a part of a complete school uniform. Remember the times when you missed...


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