

Someone once said a happy mother is always a good mother. And if the work of the mother makes her sing with happiness, then the entire family sings along. This statement is so apt and relevant for the Indian...
It’s a nightmare to even think of something like ‘rape’ happening to you. The heinous the crime is, the more horrible is living with it. Rape not only takes away the strength to face the world but also takes...
India, since time immemorial has been a patriarchal society where men have been at the forefront of various social, economic, cultural and other major decisions. The women have always been sidelined and restricted to the home and child bearing....
  “You can have anything you want in life, if you dress for it.” When the legendary fashion designer Edith Head said these words, she wasn’t joking at all. Style plays a pivotal role in defining your overall personality, and there’s...
Body-shaming is one of those avant-garde expressions that is put to use to refer to an activity where someone tries to make one feel inferior for having a body that doesn’t kowtow to society’s archetypal norms of beauty. We...


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