

Women empowerment is an issue that has been prevalent in the society since decades. There are feminist groups which are constantly fighting for equal rights of women, women's safety and most importantly, education for women. Education forms a key element...
The topic of sexism has been in the limelight for a while now, thanks to Emma Watson’s #HeForShe campaign, which has helped galvanize all genders into a strong force aiming towards equality. Imagesource However, closer to home, sexism still continues to...
The issue of women’s representation is a relevant one at a time when women in India are breaking the glass ceiling and trying to improve conditions for them in society. Yes, of course, it’s very important to have representation for...
  “You can have anything you want in life, if you dress for it.” When the legendary fashion designer Edith Head said these words, she wasn’t joking at all. Style plays a pivotal role in defining your overall personality, and there’s...
Let’s begin with how Oxford English Dictionary and more defined feminism when it was coined initially. 1895 witnessed the definition of the term ‘feminism’ in Oxford English Dictionary as, “advocacy of the rights of women (based on the theory of...


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