Know the Early Symptoms of Pregnancy!


Women during their post conception period are usually anxious to sense any early symptoms of pregnancy. While you are keen on spotting an early sign of pregnancy, look out for changes in body rhythm. Usually the symptoms of pregnancy appear only after the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. However they may vary from woman to woman on how soon they appear. Below are some of the early symptoms of pregnancy which can indicate that you are going to have a baby:


  • FATIGUE: During the early pregnancy stages it is common that women feel fatigue and tiredness. This is because of the hormonal changes in the body and also due to increase in blood supply to organs.


  • IMPLANTATION SPOTTING: Spotting is nothing but bleeding which might also occurring during your menstrual cycle. But here the spotting occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of uterus and gets implanted. During this process some blood is shed which is called Implantation spotting. This usually occurs after eight days of ovulation.


  • TENDER BREASTS: Tenderness of the breasts is also one of the early signs of pregnancy. This is also because of elevated hormonal levels in the blood. However this symptom is also common for menstruation, so this cannot be the hallmark symptom of pregnancy. The areola i.e. the skin around the nipples also gets darker color.


  • FREQUENT URINATION: This is also one of the early symptoms where women visit the restrooms quite often. This is because of hormonal changes and also because the embryo adds pressure on the bladder which causes frequent urination.


  • MORNING SICKNESS: The pregnant women can feel nausea in the mornings, probably due to hormonal changes which leads to morning sickness. There could be vomiting irrespective of time. You could feel nausea during noons, evenings, and nights too.


  • HIGHER SENSE OF SMELL: Some women get their senses of smell sensitized. Under such cases, one may feel nauseating when exposed to any strong smells like perfume. Some even develop a different taste of tongue wherein it is usually a metallic taste and the actual sense of taste remains disturbed.


  • MISSED PERIODS: Skipping a period can be common; however it is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Incase the periods are timely and after the conception you miss a period, you should go for a pregnancy test to confirm your speculations.


  • POSITIVE HOME PREGNANCY TEST: After you have confirmed with enough of the above symptoms and speculate a pregnancy, you should consider a home pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test would confirm that you are pregnant and you should go visit a doctor for further guidance and tests.
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