Negative Effects of Internet on Youth

The internet has taken over the youth by a storm. The effects are too vivid to be ignored. Almost everyone that we come across nowadays has access to smartphones with internet connection in various forms. This has made our lives easier, or so it seems.

As is known to all, internet was created to make our lives more comfortable and for access to vast knowledge with the touch of a finger. However, it has been exploited to such an extent that people are now wondering whether it is a bane than a boon. The nation’s youth especially, is highly influenced by this technological advancement, and with good reason. Virtually everything is available to them in the blink of an eye, be it good or bad. Having said so, it is also true that the youth is more prone to be victims of the negative impact of internet probably because of their still raw and vulnerable minds.

Effects  of Internet on youth

Here are some listed negative impacts of internet which can infect, or have infected today’s youth:


With ease of use and availability comes a deadly side- effect: addiction. Today’s youth is tech- savvy, that is, they are quite adept at using technology for all purposes. In addition to general and necessary usage, youngsters are now experiencing difficulty in letting go of gadgets which are connected to the dynamic internet service. Constantly checking new messages, refreshing FB news feed on repeat, and playing games online all night are actions not unheard of. The internet is taking over the minds of the youth, who seem to be unable to function at all without it. It is increasingly becoming an unhealthy habit which needs to be curbed consciously.

Reduction in physical activity

While spending hours at a stretch on the internet, youngsters are left with little time for other tasks, especially healthy physical activity. Playing online games has become more in demand than going out to play a proper sport. Glued to their laptop/cellphone screens, the young guns of the nation are limiting their physical activity greatly. It seems like doing household chores too are a burden to them. The internet has provided a virtual space to the youth, where they prefer to stay for majority of their time by personal choice. This not only wastes their precious time, but also hinders physical and mental development. Brain disorders, self- esteem issues, obesity are some of the issues that can be triggered by excessive use of technology and restriction in physical activity.

Cyber Crime

The internet is not a very safe space. It is prone to a lot of criminal activities and threats to privacy. The internet is home to a lot of illegal websites and unethical content which when accessed, can lead to trouble for the user. This use can be unintentional, but the dangers are uniform for all. The youth today remains vulnerable to a lot of fraudulent activity online, which they must be careful with. Moreover, a thousand kinds of viruses and other such unwanted entities can attack an individual’s gadget, putting their sensitive information at risk. Unethical hacking is quite rampant these days, and the common man is not as well equipped to handle risky situations like this. Social media applications use the phone’s location to post online. This is open to the public, and even though you may be careful about everything, there is no guarantee that you cannot be traced down by malevolent beings. The usage of internet services needs to be judicious and the user, discerning.

Read : Positive Impact of Internet on youth

Psychological Blocks

One may have hoped that exposure to the internet would bring the best in the youth. This is not the case on ground. Virtual establishment of networks and relations has led to personality issues in many youngsters. They fear face to face conversation, and feel more comfortable when interacting through a screen. Trust, self- confidence, and happiness are not found on a virtual page. One cannot take away from the benefits of personal interaction and public speaking. The internet has had a huge impact on intra- personal and inter-personal relationships. Creative blocks, insomnia, and insecurity are a result of excessive use of internet.

Everything in small doses works best. The internet as an entity is not demonic in nature. Everything depends on how we make use of this opportunity provided to us. Excessive or imprudent usage is bound to harm the individual. Do be cautious in exercising your right to this revolutionary technology. There is a lot to lose, but far more to gain from the internet. Learn and work.

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Anshika Kumar
A happy child with a streak of madness. Reader, writer, professional over-thinker , lover of cheesecake. Usually surrounded by books, her hobbies include baking, jumping to conclusions, and quoting the six F.R.I.E.N.D.S. She believes in unconditional kindness and hopes to change the world one article at a time. ~Good words and good vibes only.


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