Can Rahul Gandhi be any solution for the Problems of youth in India?


The political scenario at the national level has always been found with the excitement which is of great importance. The two leading parties at the national platform from the time of independence have adopted various strategies in terms of their leadership approach and regional politics that will have a greater impact on the formation of the government in Delhi. Problems of youth in India are also one of the points in the agenda at the national level for many decades. There has always been a growing demand for young leadership at central level that is in tune with the demands and aspirations of our youth of today. Political establishments have been trying to be pro youth and pro development for many years in spite of not being able to really achieve that status.

We and the Indian politics need to grow beyond talking about opportunities that are basic facilities. Providing an educational centre is no more an opportunity, it’s just a basic facility. We need to look at globally acclaimed educational campuses that are standards and quality apart to be par excellence. If youth leadership at the central stage is the desired approach, we are faced with the question if Rahul Gandhi is the qualified youth leader to offer such solutions in a way to address all the problems of youth in India. In other words can he be the right candidate to be the prime minister of India in the near future.

The answer lies within the hope and aspirations. Rahul Gandhi often represented the hope and aspirations of millions of young people in India. He has always identified himself with the problems and challenges that are talked about youth in India. The irony is that he could never be on the side that offered solutions. We expect leaders to be proactive and capable of offering solutions to the persistent problems. They are expected to take all the pressure and display composure instead of presenting themselves in a sympathetic way which is anyway the trait of a matured human being. Merely identifying with the situation is not enough for a leader rather he is expected to lead through scalable and realistic solutions that will help the majority sections of the society besides serving the nation’s interest. Rahul is somebody who is not so comfortable with facing the media who is yet to tell his people about his stand on a lot of issues including our foreign policy, constitutional amendments and blueprint for growth. He also seems to have a little understanding of economics which is the major aspect in any leadership in the present scenario in our country. Rahul Gandhi may be a better choice for Indian aspirations if he can offer solutions and stay matured which are still decades away by looking at his maturity and quality leadership.

Youth in India has greater aspirations that can be understood by a young leader who has gone through the anxiety and dilemma by an average young man or woman. The leadership by a young Indian can be of great significance in the context that the role played by the leaders are more inclined to futuristic ways and measures that will gain access to opportunities.

Can Rahul Gandhi be any solution for the Problems of youth in India?

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