Indian Strategic Analysis; a Review


‘INDIA SHINES’ was the slogan selected by one of the political group to highlight their achievements during their tenure of running the Government. The then oppositions tried to tone down the slogan by raising a counter slogan;’ India shines or India whines’? Impartial onlookers (intelligent citizens) were puzzled to balance the contradictory views .Strangely enough when the Government changed and the party in power raised their slogan ‘GARIBI HATAO’ as their priority theme. The opposition soon found scope to raise the counter slogan ‘Garibi Hatao’ or ‘ Garibonko hatao?’  Impartial onlookers once again felt bemused to realize the ‘Dance of Democracy’ in India. It goes on, because there are numerous political groups with their different ideology. Impartial onlookers or those who are wise enough to know what is good for the Country and what is bad are concerned, because there is one most important factor where everyone has to AIM at one target. It is the ‘National Strategy’. The dictionary meaning of the word is ‘the art of planning operation in War’, however when this word is used at national or International level it denotes the Country’s outlook towards the World. It is therefore expedient for each machinery of the Government; be it politicos, be it administrators, be it armed forces or be it the industrialist to move independently on their respective objectives but AIM at the converging point( as it should appear), though they may move parallel otherwise. In Army Parlour there is a common saying; only ‘hits on the target’ will be counted .This entails that once your target is shown your AIM must be focused on the target only. Strategy is one such factor at the National level where each branch of the Government machinery must Aim at the target. An Instant ‘Strategy Analysis’ must reflect the Government’s broad outlook towards the rest of the World.

Strategy for a country is like a ‘Light house’ for a sailing ship on the ocean. It not only shows the direction to move, but also acts as a strong anchor for the Ship (the country); when and where applicable. It is therefore of utmost importance to the entire Nation to accept a common approach with due deliberation. It is equally important to review it occasionally to ensure that the needle of direction is pointing at the correct direction. If we apply the said analogy now and carry out an instant review it will be the most appropriate action, as also the necessity of the day.


Plethora of antecedents within the country reflects a grave concern for the nation. A series of scam, followed by heinous crime, agitations and other negative indications are reflections of not so good governance within the country. The Global situation too is swinging from ‘Global Warming’ to ‘Economy’ hovering over conflicting interest of different strategy by different group. It is time that we in India tread the futuristic steps with due caution. It is therefore necessary to carry out an instant yet detailed analysis of our Strong and weak points to maintain a safe balance in our move forward.

PROBLEM–  Ever since ’Bi-Polar’ World of Axis Power and Allied vanished and got in to ‘Uni-Polar’ system it jinxed up with massive influx of ‘terrorism’. This disturbing trend of terrorism then sucked in the attention of the world- leaders to arrest the expanding reign of this ‘danger diabolic’. This factor became equally applicable to India as well. Strategy was no more restricted to the Country’s geographical border but it got stretched over to the entire region of the Indian peninsula and other related area of influence too. The shift from the conventional approach dictated, unified role of all the machineries/ branches of the Government.

SOLUTION– The unique strength of India; ‘Unity in Diversity’ is the key factor to be applied now. It is a proven fact that immediately after the Independence of the country all of the small dynasties were merged into one democratically installed ‘Sovereign Democracy’. Similarly the existing situation demands all political parties to unite whenever the country is AIMING to meet the demand of the National importance and to ascertain ‘What is the AIM?’; It should be rested with the President of India.

Once the legislature has been passed, it should then be brought into practice for easy implementation. Easy implementation implies delegating the responsibility to chosen Authority (apolitical) for pre- selected REGION. However Regional Commander should be accountable for his responsibility to the Chief Of Unified Command (COUC). COUC in turn should then be made accountable to the President of India for this. The modality of operational requirements for this purpose may then be deliberated upon and registered as ‘STRATEGY’. Once the registered ‘Strategy’ forms the part of Governmental policy, it will benefit the entire Nation. Existing trend to tackle any threat to ‘National Security’ is inadequate. Delegation of responsibility to the Regional Commander/ Theater Commander will enable quick reaction and effective coordination amongst the security forces. The Country is capable to do so and ensure that time is not wasted to arrive at decision due to flimsy political intervention.

PROBLEM-   Key factor for the effective policy on Strategy is ‘Vision’ to anticipate and maintain proactive approach. Presently the so called ‘Vision’ is mired under the shadow of ‘Populism’ approach. It is a sad commentary to repeat “security lapse” for every major terrorist attack within the Country followed by an equally irrelevant comment “security has been alerted”. ‘Security’ must not be perceived as a piece of sweet for the mass; it is a vaccination (needle prick) to protect them. While the due urgency has been accorded to ‘National Security’ but it has not been understood in its correct perspective. WHAT IS SECURITY? The correct answer to this question needs to be deliberated upon. The gap between Policy on security and the practice on ground needs to be closed.

SOLUTION– Security is an unobtrusive function to keep a watchful eye for detecting any unusual thing in or around a chosen area under surveillance. Making it too conspicuous may be necessary at places to restrict selected entry or exit, but ceremonial projection of security otherwise, tantamount to exposing it hence, not so effective. This factor needs to be inculcated during training the security forces; which is lacking at the moment. The training of the entire security forces should also be brought under one yard stick. The chasm between the policy on security and the implementation can be abridged only by redesigning the training as per one standard of yard stick.

PROBLEM– Geo-Strategy factor of India reflects peaceful coexistence amongst her neighbouring Countries. This implied ‘Defensive Posture’ along its border. Defensive Posture needs larger quantum of Force Level to Cover the Huge Border along the International boundary. This also enables reasonably easy access for Infiltration as the perpetrators become well aware of the layout of our own forces. There are many other tactical disadvantages inherent with ‘Defensive Posture’. The problem is further multiplied due to the new Global threat of Terrorism.

SOLUTION-This is a serious point that needs to be accorded top priority by our Government. It is a well known fact that, ’Armed Forces’ in a Democratic set up has to follow the chain of command thus remains handicapped at crucial juncture of ‘UNFORESEEN SITUATION’. It is therefore imperative to consider and create “quick reaction policy”, with well thought over authority under one competent ‘Chief of Unified Command’. Needless to emphasis the advantages of such a policy but, suffice it to say, the capability of Army, Navy and the Air Force when coordinated effectively gets multiplied many fold. It is time our leaders identified this inherent strength within and make optimum use of this strength. 


Strategic advice to political masters is a difficult proposition yet is the necessity. An endeavor is warranted. Based on the Geo-economical state and the Geo-strategic importance the relevant aspects are recommended in brief as under:-                                                                           

  • All political parties irrespective of their political ideology should unanimously accept a common policy on ‘Strategy’ after due thoughts (in consultation with the Armed forces) and keep reviewing it as warranted.
  • Foreign policy should conform to the factors covered in evolving the strategy.
  • Quick reaction policy to be made and placed under the command of a Chief of Unified Command for unforeseen contingencies.
  • Sensitive (strategic) Region should be identified, demarcated and placed under specified Theater Commander conforming to the Quick Reaction Policy (applicable only for the Emergency)
  • Entire Security force (recognized or formed by the Government ) must follow the laid down training policy to be planned and put into practice by competent team authorized as per the Government policy.
  • Some important aspects of the Policy should be known and coordinated with the Judiciary, the Media, the Armed forces and the Administrative body of the Government to avoid unwarranted complications.
  • Cancerous growth of anti-national activities must be arrested with impunity; The existing trend of making political gain without considering the threat within must be countered by ‘Quick reaction policy’ with due urgency.


As India is growing from strength to strength the strategy is no more restricted to CHINA or PAKISTAN only. The biggest threat to the National Security now comes from the Cancerous growth of terrorist elements nurtured under the guise of ‘Disgruntled elements’.  The growth of anti-national activities must be arrested with the inherent strength of UNITY within; The strength of unity that could achieve ‘FREEDOM OF INDIA’ can once again ensure to destroy the Danger Diabolic and FREE INDIA from  the clutches of any ill motivated, greedy or any such evil design.

It is high time that our National Leaders identified their own strength and UNITED FOR THE NATIONAL CAUSE. It is time for the Leaders to contribute their ’best efforts with Determination and dedication’. This is the urgent demand of the NATION today.

Lt Col (Retd) SK Parasar.

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