Why Is Voting An Important Responsibility Of Every Citizen


Often we talk about responsibilities of many people belonging to different sections of our society. The responsibility of youth cannot be ignored in this context. Our responsibly is the other side of the coin where rights are represented. As much as the rights belong to us, we need to honor the responsibility with due diligence. Our country cannot be built without collective efforts from all the partakers in growth. Growth and development have been talked about for years by the political and statutory establishments. There needs to be a clear cut strategy to implement the ideologue of growth plan.


We have successive governments talking about the five year plans where we implement several measures for growth and development on priority. These governments are essentially elected through the democratic process where elections are held once in five years. These elections are held at state and national levels to elect the people’s representatives who represent them in the houses of parliament and assembly. These are the pillars of democracy that are laid for the law making that is crucial for running our country. All the policies are debated, deliberated and passed in these houses of people representatives for which we the people are equally responsible. Our responsibility begins by exercising our voting right when it matters. The youth of our country are eligible to vote the day they reach eighteen years and have the right to cast their decision to bring in and bring down governments. The recent times have witnessed the enthusiastic representation by the young voters in the urban centers. It’s used to be otherwise in the past, the voting centers used to be filled with the elderly faces and the intensity of voting used to be on the high in rural and semi rural places in India.

It is also the responsibility of youth to create awareness among the masses about the significance of voting and its impacts. There is certainly no claim to be entertained by any citizen who doesn’t vote against any government or politician. When we do not hold our representatives accountable, they tend to overtake us by overpowering our rights. We are all within our rights to question and demand accountability from the leaders we have imposed our faith and elected. They are to help us accomplish our objective and the nation’s objective at large.

We have a responsibility in voting and we are proud of it as given by the constitution of India. Our prime motivation is to stay positive and believe in the democratic process which has proven to be successful even in the tough times. Some of us may not believe in this democratic process of voting which may be due to the negative impact they experience by the successive governments. However, democracy is the way forward which can be accomplished through responsible voting every time when it matters. By casting our vote, we not only exercise our right but acknowledge our pride in the sovereignty of our India challenging the anti establishment elements that are trying to take control of our freedom through force.

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