Young Leaders & Youth Leadership in India


The youth leadership is the need of the hour in our great democratic country. Our nation is in the process of gathering its momentum from the youth power and its calibre that is displayed through many ways since independence. Building the nation is a vision and that vision has to be the heartbeat of every young man and women in our country. It is so obvious that we have the future ahead of us and it’s completely in our hands as how to build it to make it a grand nation with great pride. There are many significant aspects that are to be kept in mind and work consciously towards a better future.

The primary thing that needs to be preserved and strengthened is the foundation of the nation. Our country is the largest democracy in the world which has not changed its ideology for many decades in spite of compelling sensitivities from the neighboring countries. Achieving the unity in diversity is the ultimate achievement of our past and the same becomes the most challenged aspect in our democracy. The most important value that is constituted in the foundation of our nation is the secularism. Being secular is the highest degree of tolerance and we need to educate our generation and the generations to come about the secular spirit. Secularism is not abandoning the religious beliefs rather to stay abreast in accepting people from all religious beliefs as brothers and sisters. Preserving secularism is the greatest task ahead of our youth leadership as the fringe elements can always take our nation in a different direction. We need to stay focused on being a united democratic nation with core secular values are kept in place. Being strong on fundamentals is the first indication of building our nation.

Foundation follows excellence. The young India is expected to be anything but excellent without any compromise on the national security. Our excellence can be measured in the kind of efforts we are putting across in improving the security measures to combat any threat, either internally or externally. Our country should grow towards developing our own measures of intelligence and security through highly sophisticated equipment across the borders. Our innovation should not only be restricted to the careers we make, but be extended to help the nation find solutions for many problems we encounter day after another. The final aspect to keep the discussion limited is the expertise in handling the external affairs. We need to grow and mature in terms of the political and diplomatic smartness to safeguard the interests of our country. With the kind of international pressure to comply with many treaties, we need to really play our game smart to ensure that our India is at benefit at all times.

Our youth leadership ought to perceive a multidimensional approach to create a great sense of belongingness and direction internally and be able to achieve a higher standing in the international platform which is also futuristic for the nation.

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