College Societies and Why They’re Important


As we start college, most of us tend to focus too much on academics. The thousands of warnings from professors about attendance and keeping ourselves focused on academics only strengthen the viewpoint that classes and attendance are of primary importance. Some of us do join societies but we usually end up leaving them after the first semester. However, college societies can contribute immensely to your growth as individuals and you can learn varied skills from them. Here’s exploring the most popular college societies!

  1. The Music Societies

Every college usually has two separate societies for Indian and Western Music. If you’ve got a golden voice or if you’re skilled with an instrument, be sure to try your luck out at these societies. Even if you’re not so experienced with a musical instrument, they’re usually willing to take in beginners to teach as well. You’ll have a blast exploring new musical genres with like-minded individuals and will leave with a much more advanced set of skills! Even if it’s not about singing for you, music appreciation and criticism is an important skill you can learn here.

  1. The Dramatics Society

Even if you’ve played a small character in a school play, do try out for the dramatics society if the stage appeals to you. The practice sessions can be quite demanding and exhausting but the best part is that you will be preparing and performing a lot of plays about social issues which will give you a deep knowledge about many societal problems. Not to mention, the immense boost of confidence being on stage gives you! If you’re not an actor, talk to the society and they might have opportunities for camera people, backstage crew or scriptwriting!

  1. The Debating Society

Fear not, the debating society is not just for intellectuals. If you know how to carry out an argument and like to question everything, give it a try! You will be debating upon current issues, historical happenings and even the most stupid things! You get to visit a lot of colleges for their debating tournaments but most importantly, you become unbeatable at an argument. It really comes in handy during group discussions and interviews!

  1. NSS

This is perfect if you want to do your bit for the society. The NSS Club is usually pretty active in working for the underprivileged sections and nothing makes you feel better than helping someone else. It also looks brilliant on your resume that you’ve been doing voluntary work! NSS clubs also get a lot of opportunities outside the state or even outside the country so you never know where you might end up reaching!

  1. The Dance Society

If you’re comfortable with your body and enjoy choreography, definitely try the dance society. You’ll remain in shape all throughout college, getting your daily bit of exercise and dance is something that always helps you connect with new people so you’ll stay in touch with your inner dancer, even for the years after college. The best part about being a part of a performing arts society is that you’re sure to participate in a lot of college fests and thus end up having a lot of fun!

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Satvika enjoys writing, photography and knowing people, through the things they choose to share and the things they don’t.


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